On January 21 we could read in the web HOY.es the following news: " The project to install two solar plates in the environment of "Sierra Brava", in Zorita, to which the Meeting of Extremadura has granted the environmental authorization, will suppose a hard blow for the ornithological tourism since this space receives the major zone of wintertime of migratory birds of the peninsular interior "- SEO/ Birdlife.
Really the news does not concern only this zone, but specifically every Extremadura, and I would dare to say, to every Spain. It is supposed or we like to suppose, that to report of the business, the solar plates help that the consumption of energies not renovanbles diminishes, but... Really do we help to the environment if these plates are placed in a zone where they live near 18 birds kinds different? These birds ... are not they an environment? These birds... do not they reverberate in the tourist economy of a territory?
They are many things those that it is necessary to raise at the moment of taking a decision like that. I believe and I agree totally with the news in which the regional executive demonstrates a mistake of planning of criteria in the management of renewable energies, being able choose even a place adapted not to concern so many united resources.
This way that, as if about eurovision it was treating... 0 points for the Meeting of Extremadura and 12 points for those people who indeed fights for this thingd that to Extremadura gives life does not eliminate.